Step into the time machine and make all the wibby wobbly noises and hand gestures.. Here is an assortment of artworks from a smattering of past collections from over the years!

Collections include:

 ‘Invisible Bodies’, 2012.
Fat bodies. Nude fat bodies. Nude fat bodies cutting loose and dancing.  Nude fat bodies being awesome and saying fuck you, I want to dance, I want to move and if I want to do it in the nude, then goddamn, I will.’ A big thank you must go out to all the amazing women who have stepped in front of my camera and stripped off and danced in the dark for me, you all did dance as if no one was watching and allowed your unique spirits to shine through.

‘Noah’s ark V2.0′, 2013-2016.
Georgia’s interpretation of single animals with gas masks loading onto the next Ark due to humanity’s destruction of the planet. 

‘Vegetables and eggs – their lives, their loves and their deaths’, 2017 – ongoing (when can one say they are done with vegetable deaths)
They say you can’t make an omelette … Maybe if eggs had cute little faces people would be more concerned about the level of animal cruelty in industrialised egg production, same for cheese. But what about the vegetable death scenes? After 27 years of being veg*n (10 as a vego, 17 as a vegan), Georgia reflected on some of the more absurd statements that people have muttered to her over the years as they try to convince her that her choice of lifestyle is wrong with “but plants have feeling as well, so you are still causing pain and suffering*.” But why stop with death scenes – why not allow the eggs and vegetables to have full lives and start including love and friendships. This series is a planned on-going series – what started as a whimsy, humorous metaphors to reflect on issues of animal cruelty will continue be constantly returned to in the coming years and who knows what path it will head down. * This has been said sadly by more than 1 person over the years, and it is always said with a smirking grin by the person thinking they have won the debate with this brain-fart of an argument 

‘Escargot Don’t Go‘, 2016.
Dear Snails that I spy, Where are you going little snails? Where have you come from? You seem to plod along, at your own little pace, carrying your little homes around with you. I have never really seen you form little snail gangs.  Maybe you do, maybe I never stumbled upon a little snail gathering. When I spy you, you just seem to be sliding along on your own, doing what you do. I like that you seem to go about your little snail lives, unfussed and on your own. I don’t understand humans very much. They leave me rather confused with their rushing about. There always seems to be too many things to do. And if you comment that you just might stop and watch some snails, well, people don’t seem to want to approve of that. I think you have the right idea snails, I think you are onto something. Humans and their relationships really confused me. Friendships confuse me. They are always coming or going – ended or fading away into some new form. Sometimes I think I would rather just be able to hang out in my own little shell, just doing my own little thing. You really are onto something snails. Plus – your shells! They have always amazed me. I have always dug spirals. Spirals are just confused circles to me, and that has always brings me joy. Circles have no cares in the world either, just spinning around doing their own thing. So snails, with your spirals – you bring me happiness. Thanks.

‘Mushroom’, 2020
I grew some mushrooms – many mushrooms – I had a mini mushroom farm. It was delightful.